Class DX

Directional Movement Index (DMI / DX) Type: Momentum, Trend (using +DI & -DI)

The DX was developed by John Welles Wilder, Jr.. and may help traders assess the strength of a trend (momentum) and direction of the trend.

If there is no change in the trend, then the DX is 0. The return value increases when there is a stronger trend (either negative or positive). To detect if the trend is bullish or bearish you have to compare +DI and -DI. When +DI is above -DI, then there is more upward pressure than downward pressure in the market.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



highest?: Big
interval: number
lowest?: Big
mdi?: Big

Negative (Minus) Directional Indicator (-DI)

pdi?: Big

Positive (Plus) Directional Indicator (+DI)


  • get isStable(): boolean
  • Returns boolean
