
Trading 212 API for TypeScript

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This Trading 212 API can be used with TypeScript and comes with many useful features such as automatic reconnects and response validation.

  • Documented. Get started with demo scripts and generated documentation.
  • Maintained. Automated security updates. No threats from outdated dependencies.
  • Modern. HTTP client with Promise API. Don't lose yourself in callback hell.
  • Reliable. Follows semantic versioning. Get notified about breaking changes.
  • Robust. Automatic requests retries are built-in. No problems if your Wi-Fi is gone.
  • Tested. Unit test coverage to guarantee core functionaly.
  • Typed. Source code is 100% TypeScript. No need to install external typings.


npm install trading212-api

The demo section provides many examples on how to use "trading212-api". There is also an automatically generated API documentation. For a quick start, here is a simple example for a REST request:

import {APIClient} from 'trading212-api';

const baseURL = APIClient.URL_LIVE;
const client = new APIClient(baseURL, 'apiKey');

const info = await;

If cloning the project locally, you can also add a .env file to configure the API client (see .env.defaults). This allows you to run all demo scripts.


npm run demo:account

This library utilizes axios for HTTP calls. You can configure the axios instance using interceptors if needed. Retries are handled by axios-retry, and payloads are validated with Zod. Unit tests are implemented with nock.

Here are some best practices PRs that show how to add endpoints: